Make money editing emergency medicine review questions!

WikEM is currently collaborating with Osmosis, a medical education company funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to create a large bank of medical education questions under an open Creative Commons license. Working with medical students, Osmosis has produced around 650 emergency medicine questions so far. They are now seeking EM residents and attendings to double-check their work and make revisions where necessary. Osmosis is paying EM residents/attendings $1 per question reviewed (marked ready to be published) and $5 for any question that needs to be extensively revised or rewritten, as well as making a donation to WikEM for helping with this process.

If you are interested in helping revise the question pack and making some extra money, fill out the form at: Application Form. Osmosis will send out an email shortly thereafter on next-steps. Direct any questions about the process to and CC with the Subject Title: Osmosis Revision WikEM.

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